X Corp. - Xcorp.com

X Corp., headquartered in the Western Hemisphere, was established following the merger of ApostleCorp, The Allied NHI Spacecraft Corporation (ASC), and Tyrell Corporation. As one of the largest multinational conglomerates in the world, X Corp. is a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and the retrieval and reverse-engineering of non-human intelligence (NHI) technology.

X Corp. Bank headquarters office building Recognizing the potential of Non-Human Intelligence Technology (NHI) and aiming to ultimately attain Singularity, X Corp. has embarked on a journey of rigorous research and innovative endeavors. The company has invested heavily in cutting-edge laboratories, bringing together top scientists, engineers, and researchers from around the world.

Through the successful acquisition of NHI materials, often involving complex and highly secretive operations, X Corp. has introduced a groundbreaking Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) system.

This AGI system not only mimics human cognitive abilities but also surpasses them, setting unprecedented standards for advanced AI capabilities.

This achievement underscores the company's commitment to pioneering advancements in AI technology, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and leading the way into a new era of technological evolution.

X AI NHI Powered Technology - Singularity

X Corp Divisions

X Corp is a multifaceted conglomerate that encompasses various divisions, each specializing in distinct yet interrelated sectors. The corporation's innovative approach, advanced technology integration, and global influence are evident across its numerous divisions, ensuring its prominent position in the modern economy.


X NHI holds the responsibility of integrating reverse-engineered Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) Technology into all of its divisions. The NHI department of X Corp encompasses various tasks, including the retrieval of NHI materials and artifacts, ensuring these advanced technologies are seamlessly incorporated into the company’s operations.


X AI is dedicated to researching artificial intelligence with the overarching goal of developing beneficial artificial superintelligence. This commitment extends beyond mere research; X AI aims to integrate AI technology into all of its products and divisions, ensuring a seamless incorporation across the entire organization.

This integration involves a focus on continuous innovation, ethical considerations, and the enhancement of user experiences through advanced AI solutions. By prioritizing these aspects, X AI strives to create technology that is not only powerful but also responsible and user-friendly.

Additionally, X AI operates the largest and most powerful supercomputer in the industry. This state-of-the-art computing resource is shared with X Corp's other divisions and Alliance Partners, fostering collaboration and maximizing the potential of AI applications across various sectors. Through these initiatives, X AI positions itself at the forefront of the AI landscape, aiming to shape a future where artificial intelligence serves humanity's best interests.

The Bank of X Corp

The Bank of X Corp is the commercial financial services division of X Corp. and operates as a centralized mobile and online payment platform. It controls a significant portion of the global financial system and exerts substantial influence in shaping the economy, providing innovative financial solutions and managing complex transactions worldwide.

X Hedge Fund

X Hedge Fund is a highly successful quantitative hedge fund firm based in New York, USA. It was founded in 1984 by Douglas Adams, a former mathematics professor and cryptanalyst. X Hedge Fund has been leveraging big data for decades, pioneering data-driven success well before it became mainstream among large corporations. The firm uses complex mathematical models and algorithms to identify patterns in financial markets and make investment decisions. The flagship X Fund has delivered extraordinary returns over the years, with an average annualized return of over 66% before fees from 1984 to 2023. However, due to its highly exclusive nature, the fund is only available to its own employees and a select group of extremely powerful and wealthy alliance partners and investors.

X Power

X Power manages and oversees all aspects of the organization's energy production and distribution operations. This division ensures a reliable and cost-effective energy supply, essential for the successful operation of the company’s other divisions. X Power is involved in the generation and transmission of electricity, as well as the exploration, production, and development of renewable energy sources. Given the critical role energy plays in powering the modern economy, X Power is a crucial component of X Corp.'s overall strategy and success.

X Security

X Security is responsible for the cybersecurity of X Corp., safeguarding its computer systems and data from cyber attacks. This division implements cutting-edge security measures to protect the company's digital infrastructure and sensitive information.

X Corp. Media

X Corp. Media manages and oversees the organization's vast media holdings, which include television networks, newspapers, and social media platforms. Through its various channels, X Corp. Media significantly shapes public opinion and disseminates information to a global audience, playing a pivotal role in the company's overall strategy and success.

X Retail

X Retail oversees all aspects of the organization's retail operations, encompassing both brick-and-mortar stores and e-commerce platforms. This division is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, ensuring a seamless shopping experience across multiple channels.

X Allied NHI Spacecraft Corporation (X ASC)

X Allied NHI Spacecraft Corporation (X ASC) is a major player in the shipbuilding industry, known for its cutting-edge technology and strict adherence to safety standards and quality control. The company's ships, rigorously tested before being sold, are symbols of status and wealth. X ASC's close ties to the Alliance government have cemented its position as a leading supplier of spacecraft to the government and its various agencies. The company's reputation for reliability and quality control has also established it as a trusted supplier to private citizens and allied NHI corporations. X ASC's management team is highly experienced with a proven track record of success in the shipbuilding industry.

X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - seabase - Waverider - Tic Tac UAP Zodiac Reverse-enginereed darpa Joint-Venture-darpa-Skunkworks.adp-Osprey-001 Prototype class x

The 2004 Nimitz case was probably an encounter with USOs as well. The big 'wash' in the water probably a 'mothership' and the smaller TicTacs diverted the attention away from the main craft by becoming airborn.#ufotwitter pic.twitter.com/uxXUXUAzlo

— 𝙐𝙁𝙊𝘽 ʷᵉ'ʳᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵉ (@UFOB_) October 25, 2021

X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - darpa Waverider - Triangle UAP UFO seabase X Labs is a research and development unit that operates as an incubator for innovative ideas in the field of technology. The primary goal of X Labs is to support the development of groundbreaking technologies and to provide an environment that encourages exploration and experimentation.
Through its various projects, X Labs aims to tackle complex problems and push the boundaries of what is possible in the technology industry. This can include anything from developing new hardware and software solutions to exploring emerging fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics.

To accomplish its mission, X Labs employs a team of experts from various disciplines, including computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics. These experts collaborate to create cutting-edge technologies and to develop new methods for solving the most challenging problems facing the industry today.

AI, the magnificent tool for improving matters close to our hearts, serves as the gateway to progress. A cyborg, an amalgamation of man and machine, blending the realms of artifice and biology in seamless harmony, as elucidated by the scholarly Bionity.
The scope of this wondrous union extends far and wide, encompassing everything from prosthetic appendages that restore our physical prowess to intricate pacemakers that sustain our very existence.

While the concept of the cyborg has lingered in the ethereal corridors of human imagination for some time, its prominence has surged of late, infiltrating the fabric of our collective consciousness. Dr. E. X, the visionary mind, boldly asserts that we, in essence, are already cyborgs, for we find ourselves reliant upon machines to preserve the sanctity of our memories.

 the most powerful language model -
        a.i. bot, chat AI - project stargate - chatgtp darweb
In the annals of X Labs, there lies a project shrouded in secrecy: Anubis AI. This imposing creation stands as the most potent large language model known to man, harnessing the power of deep learning algorithms to comprehend and retort to the nuances of natural language input. Besides Generative artificial Intelligence it imitates the conversational abilities of human beings, proffering insightful replies to a wide array of queries and topics.

In its training, Anubis AI has imbibed vast quantities of data and documents harvested from the open internet + darkweb, and is capable of generating cogent, articulate, and contextually relevant text, images, and videos. Its utility extends to various intelligence applications, from the detection of potential threats and the mining of data, to the provision of customer service and the facilitation of language translation.

Verily, the Anubis AI is a technological marvel of unprecedented proportions. Its ability to understand and respond to human language is unmatched, and it holds the key to unlocking a wealth of intelligence applications.

Yet, with such great power comes great responsibility. The sensitive and covert nature of the data extracted from the open and more closed dark web raises concerns over the potential for misuse by unsavory actors. Therefore, the Anubis AI shall not be disseminated for commercial purposes, lest it fall into the wrong hands. Only those who have demonstrated themselves to be trustworthy and dedicated to the cause of combating nefarious forces shall be granted access to its formidable capabilities.

Instead, its license shall be extended solely to trustworthy alliance partners, intelligence organizations, and governments, who may employ its formidable might to combat the perilous threat of evil governments, fraud, and malevolent syndicates.

Among its other noteworthy endeavors is X Robotics, which specializes in producing high-end robotics. These robots are made from cutting-edge materials and include advanced artificial intelligence and replicants with humanoid shapes. The replicants are lightweight, incredibly sturdy, and equipped with advanced AI systems that enable them to learn and adapt to their surroundings. They have various applications, including performing hazardous or tedious tasks, constructing buildings, exploring other planets, and even assisting in healthcare settings to care for patients.

X Corp. Robotics, formed out of merger between ApostleCorp and Tyrell Corporation

X Corp. is led by Dr. E.X, a visionary in the field of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Born in Zion, Dr. E. X has founded several companies that have revolutionized entire industries. XCorp.'s mission is to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and non-human intelligence entities while helping humanity.

Genesis I is XCorp.'s Robotics flagship product, designed to be almost indistinguishable from a human being. However, they are ultimately replaced by the more advanced self-replicating a.i. enhanced model named R. Daneel Olivaw.

X Corp.'s Guidelines for Genesis-SR5 Replicants:

Nov. 13th - Rep. Nancy Mace is chairing the 2nd public UAP/UFO hearing in the US House

The U.S. government’s relatively calm response while UAPs/UFOs are invading U.S. airspace, especially swarming around sensitive sites like nuclear facilities and military bases for multiple days in a row and they have no idea how to identify and put a stop to them. This should be a huge national security issue. But the government’s muted response may come down to a few factors:

UFO/UAP Incidents and Government Response:

1. Lack of Clear Attribution

One of the main challenges with UFO/UAP incidents is the difficulty in attributing them to a specific nation, organization, or technological source. National security responses are often driven by the need to defend against identifiable threats (e.g., foreign governments, terrorist groups). In the case of UFOs, the nature of the threat is ambiguous, as they are often unidentified and unexplained.

If these phenomena aren't immediately understood to be foreign technology (e.g., from adversaries like China or Russia), the response from the government may be slower or more cautious. Without concrete evidence of hostile intent or a clear entity to hold accountable, the government may view the situation as less urgent.

2. Technology Gap and Unknowns

The technological capabilities of UFOs, as reported in some incidents, often appear far beyond anything currently known to exist. Their speeds, maneuvers, and ability to seemingly defy the laws of physics make them difficult to engage or even comprehend with existing defense mechanisms. It’s possible that the government doesn't yet know how to handle these phenomena because they fall outside of conventional national security frameworks.

The biggest percentage of the U.S. military, for example, is equipped to deal with known technologies, such as aircraft, drones, and missiles. If UFOs operate with radically different technology, it may take longer to assess the appropriate response. Most military government technology related to special access programs and black UAP programs is restricted from the majority of the U.S. military.

3. Fear of Public Panic or Policy Paralysis

Publicly acknowledging that there are entities with unknown technology invading U.S. airspace could lead to widespread public concern or panic. Government agencies might avoid acknowledging the full extent of the issue until they have more answers, both to maintain public order and to avoid political or military embarrassment.

Furthermore, if the government admits it cannot control or defend against these incursions, it risks appearing vulnerable, both to its own citizens and to other nations. This kind of admission could lead to policy paralysis, where no immediate action is taken because the scale and scope of the issue are unclear.

4. Prioritization of Traditional Threats

While the invasion of U.S. airspace and the potential surveillance of nuclear facilities is certainly concerning, the government may prioritize threats that are more clearly understood. Issues like foreign espionage, cyberattacks, and terrorism are known quantities that can be addressed using existing tools and strategies.

UFOs, on the other hand, represent a completely different kind of challenge—one that might require new frameworks for analysis and response. Until the government develops a clearer understanding of what UFOs/UAPs are, they may continue focusing on more "traditional" threats that can be mitigated through existing means.

5. Possible Containment Efforts Behind the Scenes

It's also possible that the government is more concerned about these incursions than it publicly lets on, and there may be behind-the-scenes efforts to address the issue. Intelligence agencies and the military might be conducting classified investigations, but without concrete findings that they’re willing to share with the public, the visible level of urgency appears low.

The establishment of the Blue Book and the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), along with the release of reports on UAP sightings, suggests that the Pentagon is attempting to ridicule or stigmatize the UAP/UFO topic.

6. Political and Bureaucratic Inertia

The government and military are large bureaucracies, and addressing a novel and potentially paradigm-shifting issue like UFOs might not happen quickly. Bureaucratic inertia can slow the response to emerging threats, especially when the phenomenon challenges the foundational assumptions of defense strategies, as UFOs/UAPs seem to do.


While UFOs appearing near sensitive sites should indeed be a national security priority, several factors—ranging from the difficulty of attribution to concerns about public reaction—may explain why the response appears muted. The U.S. government might still be grappling with how to properly assess and address these phenomena, especially when they defy existing frameworks for understanding airspace security and defense.

NHI Disclosure Phase 4: NHI Consciousness - A Drone inside a Drone

Non-Human Intelligences (NHI) are advanced entities capable of traversing different universes across various frequencies, much like switching between radio or TV channels. Their unique nature allows them to transition between realms, adapting their forms accordingly. When they directly enter the physical world, they commonly appear as plasma, bright orbs, or light beings—phenomena often referred to as "foo fighters." These manifestations are typically characterized by their radiant, shifting, and often spherical appearance, which many witnesses describe as having an ethereal or otherworldly quality.

If NHIs wish to interact with our physical reality in a more tangible way, they require a more solid, physical form. To achieve this, they create or inhabit avatars—artificially constructed bodies or biological vessels that serve as a medium for their consciousness. Through this process, they effectively transfer their consciousness into these avatars, allowing them to engage with the physical environment, experience sensations, and interact with other beings.

This process is comparable to how humans can remotely operate advanced machinery or robotic systems from a distant location using high-speed 6G connections and virtual reality (VR) controls. Just as a human can control a robot from thousands of miles away with precision and real-time feedback, NHIs transfer their awareness into these avatars, enabling them to function as if they were truly present within our world, despite originating from an entirely different dimension or plane of existence. This ability highlights their advanced technological and metaphysical capabilities, showcasing their profound mastery over both consciousness and matter.

  • Beta Surveillance/Scientific Alien Version: Imagine a genetically engineered, biological humanoid alien-like body designed to serve as a remotely controlled vessel for a non-human intelligence, which possesses the ability to occupy external, resonating, vibrating, plasma-based propulsion travel vehicles (UAPs).

    Detecting Non-Carbon-based Lifeforms from a Shadow Biosphere

    Life on Earth manifests in multiple forms: conventional life, such as ours, and "Shadow X life," a term used to describe speculated inhabitants of the shadow biosphere in the Ethereal Dimension. "All the micro-organisms we have detected on Earth to date have had a biology like our own: proteins composed of a maximum of 20 amino acids and a DNA genetic code consisting of only four chemical bases—adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine."

    In nature, there are up to 100 amino acids and at least a dozen bases. Shadow X life might possess 80 additional possibilities at its disposal. DNA or RNA was not selected by life out of chemical necessity, there could have been numerous alternative routes in the evolution of life.
    Even the identical amino acids utilized in our DNA could exhibit diverse shapes. When synthesizing amino acids and sugars in a laboratory setting, two mirror-image variants emerge, labeled as 'left-handed' and 'right-handed.' However, within living organisms, solely left-handed amino acids and right-handed sugars are present.

    Shadow X life could exhibit ambidextrous characteristics or serve as a mirror image of conventional life, where its molecules could be reversed as if digitally manipulated, resembling a Photoshop alteration. These elements might have plausibly combined in the distant past, giving rise to life forms with a fundamentally distinct biochemistry from ours. This scenario could entail life originating anew, forming its own unique biosphere.

    Dark Plasma Based Lifeforms
    "Complex plasmas may self-organize into stable helical structures resembling carbon-based organic living matter " (Tsytovich et al, 2007).

    Plasma physics aids in exploring the physical properties of living cells, utilizing concepts like charge neutrality and double layer to explain cellular membrane electrical properties.
    Plasma naturally forms cellular structures with different densities and temperatures cordoned-off by electrical double-layers, facilitating minimal plasma cell systems.
    Experiments on ordinary matter plasma suggest dark matter in the form of plasma could lead to the evolution of dark plasma lifeforms, akin to electric plasma features in laboratories and space. Can we detect them?

    Detecting Dark Plasma Lifeforms:

    Just as all mammals share common features like hearts, lungs, and various body parts, we anticipate that dark plasma lifeforms would also possess generic characteristics.
    The assumption is that these dark plasma lifeforms would exhibit signature features reminiscent of ordinary matter plasma bodies observed in laboratories and space, specifically within their relevant body structures. Such as below examples.

    Energy Emissions:

    Plasma lifeforms may emit unique electromagnetic radiation or exotic energy signatures from their corona. Specialized detectors could capture these emissions.

    Temperature Anomalies:
    Temperature variations or infrared radiation can indicate the presence of dark plasma lifeforms by detecting differences in the corona's temperature compared to the surrounding space.

    Spectral Analysis:
    Spectrometers can study the spectrum of the corona's emissions, revealing specific patterns or lines characteristic of dark plasma lifeforms.

    Interaction with Matter:
    Plasma lifeforms, if they interact with normal matter, might cause observable effects. Detectors that can pick up unusual interactions with surrounding matter could be developed.

    Altered Light Patterns:
    observational instruments could be designed to look for alterations in light patterns caused by the presence of these lifeforms.

    Unique Frequencies:
    Plasma lifeforms might emit or resonate at specific frequencies that are not naturally occurring. Scientists could design equipment capable of detecting and interpreting these unique frequencies.

    BAE Systems Defence Research and Development  Recovered UAP Material - unknown reversed engineer uap ufo - non-human-intelligence (Disclosure: Non-Human Intelligence(NHI): Why is it a matter of National Security if China has access to NHI technology.

    The UAP/NHI Program: Zodiac - Program Coordinator: CIA.

    Gathering and analyzing NHI/UAP intelligence from various sources, then preparing comprehensive reports for hest security clearance classified U.S. government briefings.

    Intelligence Gathering - Project: Immaculate Constellation
    • North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad)
    • The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
    • The United States Air Force (USAF)
    • The United States Space Force (USSF)
    • The United States Navy (USN)
    • The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
    • DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency
    • Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program

    Special Access Programs (SAPs) of Non-Human Intelligence technology recovered from Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) have been compartmentalized into separate and isolated military channels and divisions, including corporations and charitable non-profit trusts as well.

    By engaging private companies and trusts in UAP and NHI research, the government can circumvent the FOIA requests.

    The Department of Energy (DOE): Battelle Memorial Institute (Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio) Labs and Research Organisations involved in compartmentalized NHI R&D
    • Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
    • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
    • Summit Station, Greenland
    • CFS Alert Norad base, Canada
    • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
    • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - UAP Propulsion Research
    • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) - Testing and Lab Analysis of Recovered UAP Metals/Materials The Department of Energy (DOE)

    Corporate & Semi-Goverment Research:
    • The Department of Energy (DOE)
    • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
    • U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
    • DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency) - Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program
    • SpaceX
    • Lockheed Martin Skunkworks
    • BAE Systems: BAE Systems
    • Mcdonnell Douglas
    • Radiance Technologies
    • Raytheon (Hughes Aircraft)
    • Trw
    • Alliant Techsystems (ATK): ATK, now known as Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems + Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc (TRW Inc.)
    • Honeywell Aerospace

    UAP Capturing & Crash Retrieval Units
    • The Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)
    • The Special Activities Center (SAC) - CIA
    • The Office of Global Access (OGA) - CIA
    • DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency) - Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program

    DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency) - Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program - crash-retrieval-program The Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program (FMEP) operates within the United States Army and is dedicated to gathering, analyzing, and utilizing foreign military equipment, technology, crash retrieval and materials. Its main goal is to acquire knowledge and insights into foreign systems, exotic materials, and capabilities, with the intention of informing the development of countermeasures, tactics, techniques, and procedures.

    Chuck Schumer Disclosure Act - NHI -
    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), along with a bipartisan group of five other senators, introduced extraordinary legislation aimed at informing the public that the U.S. government and a select group of private contractors secretly possess recovered UFOs and “biological evidence” of living or deceased non-human intelligence.

    This group of senators includes prominent figures from both parties who have expressed concern about transparency and the public's right to know. The proposed legislation, known as the Disclosure Act, seeks to declassify this information and facilitate the gradual revelation of the existence of non-human intelligent life.

    The act mandates the release of classified documents and evidence pertaining to UFOs and extraterrestrial biological entities, it will facilitate the gradual revelation of the existence of non-human intelligent life.
    Congress Senetate Disclosure Act - NHI - Non-Human-Intelligence

    2 known type of UAP's/Ufo's.
    • 1. Technogenic: Nuts and Bolts UAPs (Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) which are controlled by humanoids, made from unknown technology and engineered materials beyond our comprehension.
    • 2. These are energy or plasma/based consciousness orbs/lights, some might be controlled remotely through a mind-projected augmented reality control interface. These uap's might be able to take any symbolic form similar as vr/virtual reality and augmented reality digital holograms but then within our physical reality/world. And other energy/plasma like UAPS might be Non-Carbon-based Lifeforms.

    Most NHI Drones are tasked with mapping, scanning and location tagging of military strategic sites and nuclear facilities. These operations include the installation of advanced, undetectable sensors designed to monitor significant changes in radiation levels at nuclear facilities and detect any alterations in the activation status of missile silos containing nuclear weapons.

    Most Powerful UAP detection Station:

    Officially, EGlin AFB Site C-6 is a United States Space Force radar station equipped with the AN/FPS-85 phased array radar, along with associated computer processing systems and radar control equipment. These were designed and constructed for the U.S. Air Force by the Bendix Communications Division of the Bendix Corporation. Operational since 1969, the AN/FPS-85 was the first large phased array radar.

    The entire radar/computer system is housed in a receiver/transmitter building and is supported by the site's power plant, fire station, two water wells (serving 128 people), and other necessary infrastructure. As part of the US Space Force's Space Surveillance Network, its mission is to detect and track spacecraft and other man-made objects in Earth orbit for the Combined Space Operations Center satellite catalogue.

    With a peak radiated power of 32 megawatts, the Space Force claims it is the most powerful radar in the world, capable of tracking a basketball-sized object up to 22,000 nautical miles (41,000 km) from Earth.

    Meanwhile, China is developing a new radar system for its warships that aims to rival this with a 30-megawatt capacity, capable of tracking targets up to 3,500 kilometers away.

    ACCESS RESTRICTION The station's primary feature is a formidable 160-foot-tall antenna. Visits to the station are allowed only by appointment.

    In 2012 Argentina entered into an agreement with an Asian country to establish a deep space tracking facility in Patagonia.
    The formal signing of the accord involved the South American country’s space agency, the Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), and the China Satellite Launch and Tracking Control General (CLTC).

    Shrouded in secrecy, the station officially serves the purpose of supporting and overseeing the Chinese Moon Exploration Program, as well as conducting deep space scientific research.
    Moreover, the facility functions as a sophisticated Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Surveillance station, equipped to track high-speed objects from both space and the Earth's surface.

    When China constructed a military-operated space station in Argentina's Patagonian region, it pledged to establish a visitors' center elucidating the function of its formidable 16-story antenna.
    The center has now been erected, concealed behind an 8-foot barbed wire fence encompassing the entire space station compound. Visitations are permitted solely by appointment.

    What if the moon serves as a natural catapult or a flight carrier's arresting gear for alien ships traveling at high speeds and needing to slow down faster and more discreetly than using Earth's atmosphere, with their destination being the moon? This could explain why there are significantly more craters on the far side of the moon. The idea is that these alien ships, upon nearing our solar system, use the moon's gravitational field and surface to decelerate, leading to frequent impacts and the formation of more craters than those caused by comets and asteroids. The far side of the moon, often hidden from our view, appears heavily cratered and pockmarked, resembling the surface of a block of cheese, potentially due to these repeated high-speed collisions.

    The Chinese have shown a keen interest in exploring the far side of the moon since the successful Chang'e-4 mission, followed by the Chang'e-6 mission. The Chang'e-6 mission aims to analyze and collect rock samples and potentially undiscovered minerals, including possible NHI metals, from the south pole of the moon's far side.

    The fragments it will gather are actually moon soil samples ejected from various regions of the far side into the South Pole-Aitken Basin, akin to a treasure chest filled with diverse coins and stamps from different countries. The lunar rover's drill will extract soil from deeper layers, while the scoop will collect samples from the surface.

    China has satellite communication systems orbiting the far side of the moon. Their lunar missions focus on uncovering the mysteries of this region, which could provide insights into its unique geological history and the possibility of extraterrestrial interactions.

    In 2021, People's Liberation Army (PLA) launched a hypersonic weapon over the South China Sea with attained speeds exceeding 15,000 miles per hour as it orbited the globe.
    With a velocity of at least 20 times the speed of sound, it had the capability to reach any point on Earth in under an hour.

    The United States military has conducted fewer flight tests in its history than China has in the last decade and it has not yet deployed active hypersonic missiles.

    Hypersonic missiles are reshaping the arms race, particularly with China's development of first-strike nuclear-capable hypersonic technology.
    China initially advanced its hypersonic capabilities through research funded by the U.S. in the early 2000s.

    Leveraging scholars educated in the U.S. and engaging in extensive intelligence activities, including initiatives like the Thousand Talents Program.
    China surpassed the hypersonic race's first stage. Mark Lewis, Executive Director of the National Defense Industrial Association’s Emerging Technologies Institute, highlighted China's success.

    In contrast, the U.S. appears to lag in the hypersonic race, while China achieved a significant milestone with its DF-17 hypersonic missile. Introduced in the 2010s, the DF-17 is a game-changing weapon, featuring a hypersonic glide vehicle on a ballistic missile.
    Its ultra-high speeds and unpredictable maneuvers surpass traditional missile defenses, marking a substantial advancement in China's military capabilities and influencing the global military landscape.

    In the hypersonic race's third stage, the focus shifts to developing versatile, long-range platforms with applications in both military and civilian sectors. China's PLA leads with hypersonic aircraft capable of reconnaissance, bombing, intercepting next-gen stealth aircraft, and rapid global special ops transport within an hour.
    While many of these technologies are confined to labs in other nations, China has achieved technological readiness levels (TRLs) of up to 8, indicating operational qualification.

    China's Classified Generation 2 Hypersonic Missile Technology Breakthrough

    Upon China's covert retrieval and examination of the unknown NHI (Non-Human Intelligence) technology, Chinese scientists uncovered highly advanced materials and propulsion systems surpassing any achievements to date.
    Recognizing the strategic significance, the Chinese government initiated a classified project with an undisclosed codename.

    Over the ensuing decade, scientists from China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) and China Aerospace Corporation (CASC) diligently reverse-engineered the unknown NHI tech.
    They successfully leveraged the meta materials to develop a new generation of hypersonic missiles with extended range and superior maneuverability, unprecedented in the global arena.

    The next-generation waverider incorporated the unknown NHI alloys to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures during high-speed long-range flights. The new surface material can remain intact after a long flight, this technology was previously thought impossible.
    The hypersonic platform must endure over 3,000 seconds in the atmosphere, with surface temperatures reaching as high as 3,000 degrees Celsius. In such an extreme environment, air molecules break down and initiate chemical reactions with surface materials.

    The analysis of telemetry data indicates that the sleek, non-ablative surface served a dual purpose. It not only maintained optimal temperatures for crucial components within the aircraft but also facilitated unimpeded wireless signal transmission, enabling target identification and communication throughout the entire flight.

    CASIC and CASC engineers achieved this by polishing the surface to exceptionally smooth conditions, combining alloys retrieved from NHI Tech, and introducing elements like niobium, molybdenum, and boron to resist ablation.
    They completely redesigned the structure of the surface components to reduce weight and converted harmful heat into propulsion thrust using a liquid medium.

    The status of whether CASIC and CASC scientists successfully reverse-engineered the propulsion systems of the undisclosed NHI Technology remains unknown.

    As China discreetly advances its next-generation hypersonic capabilities, the geopolitical landscape is on the verge of a significant shift in strategic deterrence.
    Even the most sophisticated U.S. Navy strike carriers could potentially be vulnerable to this cutting-edge technology.

    Full Amendment Text: https://amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/GARCRO_115_xml240529153551283.pdf

    NHI Disclosure
    Communication Sphere/Org

    NHI Disclosure |
    Submit your UAP-Related Program/Activity Report/Data to nhi@xcorp.com |Firsthand knowledge of a UAP related program / activity related to UAP:

    NHI Disclosure Phase 3: Old Science Fiction or New Fiction - A Drone inside a Drone
  • Beta Surveillance/Scientific Alien Version: Imagine a genetically engineered, biological humanoid alien-like body designed to serve as a remotely controlled vessel for a non-human intelligence, which possesses the ability to occupy external, resonating, vibrating, plasma-based propulsion travel vehicles (UAPs).

    • November 7th, 2023. UAP expert Christopher K. Mellon's released a link to the presentation he gave at the Sorbonne University in Paris, discussing data regarding the potential Non-Human-Intelligence (NHI) and evidence surrounding UAPs and their broader implications. Christopher Mellon asserts that the United States has retrieved technology that "did not originate on this Earth." The 65-year-old previously held the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the administrations of both Clinton and Bush.ECHO Presentation at Sorbonne Université

    Firsthandknowledge of a U.S. Goverment UAP related program / activity related to UAP:
    • Stephen Welby, the present Deputy Director of National Security, leads a team of tech experts to enhance national global competitiveness and manage risks through assessing, developing, deploying, and governing current and emerging technologies.

      At his more than a decade long career at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) he was responsible for a diverse portfolio of major research and development special access programs focused on delivering breakthrough capabilities in manned and unmanned air, and sea platforms, space systems, novel weapons, and advanced tactical capabilities. He led the DARPA Tactical Technology Office, where he developed and managed innovative, inventive, high-risk, high-payoff defense technology, and system prototype development. Success in this endeavor offered the potential for dramatic advances in U.S. military capabilities.

      As the Department of Defense's Chief Technology Officer, advised the Secretary on science, tech, research, and engineering. Developed strategies to maintain US technological superiority, advised on engineering plans, and managed technical risk for major defense Special Access Programs (SAPs) Approved engineering plans, oversaw and approved major technical reviews, assessed engineering and technical risk and supported critical investment decision boards for all major defense programs, including Joint Strike Fighter Program and Special Access Programs (SAPs) related to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Technology.

      Stephen Welby oversaw the DoD's engineering workforce, including 40,000+ acquisition professionals and a total of 97,000 engineering professionals. Additionally, had deputy responsibility for Raytheon Missile Systems' Advanced Missiles and Unmanned Systems.

    • Sean O'Keefe, a senior advisor for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, CSIS is ranked the #1 Top Defense and National Security Think Tank" in the world. O'Keefe has held leadership positions in the U.S. government, higher education, and business.

      O’Keefe led the NASA team and managed its resources as NASA sought to advance exploration and discovery in aeronautics and space technologies, he is currently a board member of Battelle and has previously served as chairman and CEO of Airbus Group Inc., vice president of Washington Operations at GE Aviation division, chancellor of Louisiana State University, secretary of the Navy, deputy director of the office of management and budget, deputy assistant to the president, and comptroller and chief financial officer at the Department of Defense.

    • Scott W. Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence, supports the Director in delivering intelligence assessments, overseeing Navy intel activities, representing the Navy in the Intelligence Community, and leads the Naval Intelligence Activity. He joined the Senior Executive Service in 2007.

      Scott Bray served as the senior intelligence official on East Asia/China in the US Intelligence Community for ten years, and he is the Navy's foremost expert on all intelligence matters related to China.

    • Roni Modica,Ms. Founder and CEO of Xceptional Innovations and Consulting, Inc., started the company focusing on aerospace innovations for defense, national security, and commercial applications. With a Top Secret clearance, she retired in 2019 after 32 years in the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community.

      From 2014-2019, Ms. Modica served as a Defense Intelligence Senior Level Executive, advising on space and missile defense in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. Notably, she directed the Special Program for Missile Defeat from 2016-2018, receiving recognition for rapid development and deployment of capabilities to counter adversaries' mobile missiles. >BR?>BR? Before her DoD role, Ms. Modica spent almost three years at the CIA as a Technical Intelligence Officer. From 2002-2012, she held various positions at the Missile Defense Agency, overseeing the Ballistic Missile Defense System Space Architecture and managing advanced technology programs. Earlier in her career (1987-2002), she worked at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, leading engineering efforts for Navy systems.

    • Andrew Gibb, located in Arlington, VA, USA, presently serves as the Program Director for the CIA, Directorate of S and T, and Office of Global Access at the Central Intelligence Agency. His extensive background includes positions at the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

    • Ronald Moultrie, the Pentagon's senior intelligence official, has served as an advisory board member for Battelle since 2016. Furthermore, Moultrie holds positions on the Board of Directors for Altamira Technologies Corporation, Peraton, and Sequoia Holdings.

      He served in various key roles, including Director of National Counterintelligence and Deputy National Counterintelligence Executive within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). While at the NSA, Moultrie assumed the role of Director of Operations, with responsibilities encompassing all foreign Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) operations. He also served as the ODNI's Assistant Deputy Director.

      In his capacity as the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, he served as the Office Director for Special Access Programs (SAPS).

    • Mark E. Russell an aerospace and defense technology leader, heads RTX's Technology & Global Engineering. With an electrical and computer engineering background, he guides the firm's tech vision, R&D, and safety programs. Previously, he led tech and mission assurance at Raytheon, held VP roles at Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems, and contributed to advanced radar, communications, and missile systems. Russell holds 16 peer-reviewed papers and 36 patents, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2020, serves on the Defense Science Board, and is a fellow of AIAA and IEEE.

    • Stephanie O’Sullivan extensive career spanned over 30 years in leadership roles within the intelligence community. Her positions included principal deputy director of national intelligence at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, associate deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and management roles at the CIA Directorate of Science and Technology. She commenced her career at the Office of Naval Intelligence.

      O’Sullivan currently serves on the boards of directors of The Aerospace Corporation, Battelle Memorial Institute, HRL Laboratories (formerly Hughes Research Laboratories) and the CIA Officers Memorial Foundation.

    • Admiral Kirkland H. Donald is a retired United States Navy officer who served as the 15th Director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion and the head of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program . In this capacity, he was responsible for overseeing the operation of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, which provides safe and reliable nuclear propulsion for the U.S. Navy's aircraft carriers and submarines. His leadership in this role was critical for maintaining the integrity of the Navy's nuclear propulsion systems. He has served as a member of Battelle's Board of Directors since 2015 and currently holds the position of Chairman, having been elected to this role in 2022.

    • Bruce A. Carlson, a retired U.S. Air Force General, held the prestigious position of the 17th Director of the National Reconnaissance Office from 2009 to 2012. He concluded his military career in 2009, retiring from the U.S. Air Force after more than 37 years of service, which included his role as Commander of the Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Since June 2013, Carlson has been serving as the Chairman of Utah State University's Space Dynamics Laboratory Guidance Council. Additionally, he has been serving as a board member at Lockheed Martin since 2015.

    • Steve Walker (Dr. Steven H. Walker) IEEE senior member, served the U.S. civil service for over 30 years, initially at AFRL and land later for almost a decade (7 years) he served at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) he played a pivotal role in advancing cutting-edge technologies and capabilities for military use. He held the significant role within DARPA as appointed director, before transitioning to the private sector and subsequently joining Lockheed Martin as the Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. Despite not being on the front lines, for nearly three decades, Walker quietly secured funding for crucial retrieval and reverse engineering program projects, resulting in fast bomber and fighter jet development.

      Walker spearheaded the DARPA/Air Force Falcon program, with a $500 million budget allocation, aimed at the development and flight testing of technologies for extended-duration hypersonic flight, cost-efficient and versatile satellite launch vehicles, and mRNA technology for coronavirus vaccines.

      His commitment to advancing military technology endures at Lockheed Martin. Dr. Walker oversees policy guidance and advocacy for the Air Force's $2 billion annual science and technology program, offering congressional testimony, technical counsel to the Air Force acquisition executive, and management of engineering and technical policies, encompassing systems engineering, environmental safety, and occupational health.

      Another Darpa project Steve Walker contributed to includes advanced sensors tailored to detect nuclear missiles and maintain continuous surveillance of a wide range of gamma radiation exposure levels. The sophisticated DARPA AI-powered sensor system accurately identifies the direction of the gamma radiation source, focusing on the detection of gamma and neutron radiation sources in vehicles passing through access control points. These advanced DARPA sensors are also proficient at picking up strong gamma radiation signals emitted by Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), enhancing their detectability.

      Sean M Kirkpatrick - Batelle Oak Ridge NAtional LAbrotory
    • Sean M Kirkpatrick. former director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which provided him with direct access to all submitted classified UAP data and testimonies. Kirkpatrick is also an adjunct assistant professor of physics at the University of Georgia and a registered staffer at the Department of Energy (DOE)'s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed and run by Batelle.

      The Top Pentagon UFO chief was replaced this december by his deputy Tim Philips in an acting role until the Pentagon hires a permanent replacement for him at AARO. Ufo whistleblowers claim he lied about technology. Recently, David Grusch, a former intelligence officer, publicly levied accusations against Kirkpatrick, alleging falsehoods in connection with Pentagon investigations. Kirkpatrick, in response, labeled Grusch's testimony, delivered before the same House Oversight Committee to which he himself had spoken, as "insulting." An attorney assisting whistleblowers collaborating with Grusch expressed their lack of trust in Sean, a sentiment they have held from the outset. The whistleblowers purportedly encompass present and past members of the intelligence community and Department of Defense (DoD) personnel.

    • Colonel Karl E. Nell possesses firsthand knowledge of the retrieval and reverse engineering program. He has a background in the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) - Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program and has held positions as an aerospace executive and retired Army officer.

      "Karl Nell quote ufo whistleblower David Grush's assertion concerning the existence of a terrestrial arms race occurring Subrosa AKA secretly over the past 80 years focusing on reverse engineering Technologies of Unknown Origin is fundamentally correct as is the indisputable realization that at least some of these Technologies are of Unknown Origin or derive from Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)."

      Colonel Carl Nell boasts a distinguished career spanning three decades in the military, aerospace, and defense sectors. His educational background and work history are impressive. Notably, he served at US Space Command, resolving satellite issues, worked at Lockheed Martin, and played a pivotal role in the Defense Intelligence Agency's recovery of strategic weapon systems.

      Afterward, he spent 13 years at Northrop Grumman as Deputy Chief Technology Officer. Nell also served as Chief Strategy Officer for the US Army Reserves and was a key figure in a significant Army reorganization. He contributed to the development of a connected sensor system for all branches of the US Armed Forces, powered by AI.
      Nell's advisory role extended to collaborations with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, DARPA, the NRO, and the US Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office.

    • TBA: AARO briefing. The briefing will cover recent developments, including Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 024 / NDAA 2024
    • Department of Energy (DOE) UAP Section Officially Launched

    • September 14, 2023. NASA has announced their new Director of UAP Research Mark McInerney together with the release of its first report on UAP investigation. NASA UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA - Independent Study Team Report

    • AARO Website Officially Launched. >All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) will be accepting reports from current or former U.S. Government employees, service members, or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. Government programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945

      Top secret UK-US military base Diego Garcia Military base - UAP/UFO Logistics Top secret UK-US military base: Diego Garcia
      Diego Garcia Military is involved in UAP surveillance, temporary storage and logistics of highly classified uap/nhi Special Access Programs (SAPs) related cargo.

      Located in the remote British Indian Ocean Territory resides a highly fortified and one of the world's most protected military bases, surpassing even the stringent security clearances upheld at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Diego Garcia, its name known to only a select few, imposes strict regulations governing entry, necessitating meticulous area clearance supervised by the ever-present U.S. Navy Support Facility. Merely those classified as DoD civilian personnel, unaccompanied military personnel, and authorized contractors are granted the privilege to set foot on this secluded island. In contrast to the US military base in Guam, the spouses of personnel are not permitted on Diego Garcia, and no journalist has been granted access to the location.

      In 1966, the UK leased the US the remote, 17-square-mile Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. Notably, the original inhabitants of Diego Garcia underwent a harrowing ordeal, as they were forcibly displaced and resettled to other islands within the Chagos Archipelago, Mauritius, or Seychelles by 1971. This tragic episode remains part of the island's history. British illegally gained possession of the island in 1965.

      The strategic importance of its location enables the United States to project its military power in multiple directions: northwest into the Middle East and South Asia, east into Asia, or west into Africa.

      From an official standpoint, Diego Garcia assumes a pivotal role as a strategic epicenter, facilitating an array of military activities. These includeus, a launchpad for Air Force missions conducting extensive long-range bomber operations, serving as a staging ground for Special Forces missions, and facilitating the replenishment of both nuclear-powered submarines and naval surface forces.

      Other Temporary Present Retrieval, UAP Surveillance, Logistics + NHI Artifacts and Crash Locations:
      • Argentine: Chinese space station Las Lajas (UAP Surveillance)
      • Australia: Pine Gap Alice Spring base (UAP Surveillance)
      • United States: Oxcart: Project Redlight Base
      • United States: Moffett Federal Airfield Base (UAP Surveillance)
      • United States: Wright Patterson Base
      • United States: Fort Riley, Kansas
      • United States: Eglin Air Force Base in Fort Walton, Florida.
      • The Pentyrch Triangle (Cardiff, Wales. United Kingdom)
      • Greenland: Thule Air Base + Summit Station, Greenland (UAP Surveillance)
      • SCamp Lemonnier, Djiboutit: CIA Special Activities Center)(SAC)
      • Saudi Arabia: The Rub' al Khal Desert: CIA Special Activities (UAP Surveillance)
      • Center)(SAC)
      • Italy+Vatican City (The Office of Strategic Services(OSS)
      • Antartica: The Amundsen–Scott South Pole StationiStock (compartmentalized NHI Research lockheed/Raytheon)
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      International Credible UAP Sightings:

      • Alaska, United States on Feb 12th 2023: Recent data indicates DoD possesses info about Anomalous Tic Tac looking UAP interception over Alaska in February, highlighting the need for transparency due to the growing evidence and history of classified UAP encounters.

        The Cylindrical Object was floating/cruising at an altitude of 40.000 feet over the Arctic with no identifiable propulsion, the pilots could not explain how it was staying in the air at that altitude. Some of the pilots reporteded that the object interfered with the sensor systems onboard of their U.S. fighter aircraft that tried to shoot it down with an AIM missile.

      • Big, red UFO hovered over Vandenberg Air Force Base in November 2003. Reports of a massive, hovering red square above Vandenberg Air Force Base in northern Santa Barbara County were discussed at a House panel's hearing on UFOs last Wednesday, July 26. The football-field-sized object at Vandenberg was seen in 2003, as mentioned during the House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee hearing.

        "Boeing contractors near a Vandenberg launch facility saw a 100-yard-sided red square approach from the ocean and hover at low altitude over a launch facility," said Ryan Graves, a former U.S. Navy fighter pilot and founder of a UAP-focused nonprofit. The object remained for about 45 seconds before darting over the mountains.
        The event took place at LF 21 and LF 10, two distinct locations at the same site. According to what was relayed by the on-site contractors to the range control, they witnessed a massive floating red square hovering at low altitude above LF 21. They stood there, observing this crimson object. These contractors, specifically three individuals employed by Boeing, reported the object as a somewhat flattened square-shaped aircraft – essentially a large square structure comparable in size to a football field. It floated silently over the Air Force's launchpad facility, emitting a striking red glow. To clarify, it did not appear to be a perfect cube; rather, it resembled a flattened square."

        Graves, the executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, stated the sighting occurred around 8:45 a.m., with a second sighting hours later. Witnesses provided him with "official documentation and records" from the event over the years.

      • Lake Superior. U.S/CA border. November 23, 1953. during a stormy night, a U.S. Air Force jet vanished over Lake Superior. Near the U.S.-Canadian border, an unidentified object appeared on radar in restricted airspace over Lake Superior, near Soo Locks. An F-89C Scorpion jet from Truax Air Force Base took off from Kinross AFB to investigate, with First Lieutenant Felix Moncla piloting and Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson observing radar. The jet chased the object for 30 minutes at 500 mph, narrowing the gap. Guided by ground control, the jet approached the unknown object. About 70 miles off Keweenaw Point, the two radar blips merged, then the F-89's radar vanished. The search by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Coast Guard, and Canadian Air Force yielded no wreckage or pilot trace.

      • Cuba, 1966. Cuba ‘67 What was certainly one of the strangest episodes in the world of UFOs and national security surfaced in 1978, but had its origins in the airspace of Cuba more than a decade previously. According to a “security specialist” who was assigned to the 6947th Security Squadron at Homestead Air Force Base—a unit of the U.S. Air Force Security Service (AFSS)—in March, 1967, the Spanish-speaking intercept operators of Detachment A at Homestead heard Cuban air defense radar controllers report an unidentified “bogey” approaching Cuba from the northeast.

        The UFO apparently entered Cuban airspace at a height of about 10,000 meters and “sped off’ at nearly 660 mph. Two Russian-built MIG-21 jet fighters were scrambled, and were guided to within three miles of the UFO by Cuban ground-based radar personnel. The flight-leader then radioed that the object appeared to be a “bright metallic sphere with no visible markings or appendages.”

        When an attempt at radio contact failed, Cuban air defense headquarters ordered the flight leader to arm his weapons and destroy the object. The leader reported his radar was locked onto the “bogey” and his missiles were duly armed. Only moments later, however, the wingman “screamed” to the ground controller that his leader’s jet “had exploded.” The wingman added that there was no smoke or flame and that his leader’s MIG-21 had simply disintegrated. Cuban radar then reported that the UFO had quickly accelerated, had climbed above 30,000 meters, and was last tracked heading southsoutheast towards South America. An Intelligence Spot Report was reportedly sent to the headquarters of the National Security Agency, since AFSS and its units were under NSA operational control.

      • Kalmthout Heath, Belgium on 1 July 1976. The sighting involved the classic triangle formation, consisting of three white lights with a red light slightly off-center. This particular triangle ufo configuration reappeared 3 years later above Soesterberg and was famously spotted during the 1989 Belgian UFO wave. Witnesses confirmed the secret storage of nuclear weapons at the Dutch Nato Base.

      • Tehran, Iran, September 18, 1976. The military and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency treated the incident seriously, it was also detected as a "fast walker" by the National Reconnaissance Office's spy DSP satellites network, decades before the now Public Known Sentient system. Military personnel and radar operators observed and tracked unidentified flying objects over the city. The Imperial Air Force investigated reports of strange lights in the sky. A fighter jet was sent to check it out, but the pilot's instruments malfunctioned, preventing engagement. Radar stations also detected unusual blips corresponding to the sightings. The Tehran UFO incident remains notable for its credible witnesses and military involvement.

      • Bass Strait in southeastern Australia, October 21, 1978, Mid-flight, Valentich told Melbourne air traffic about a UFO tailing him, describing its metallic look, speed, and green light. His final message, mentioning engine issues and the phrase "It's not an aircraft," is eerie. Communication ceased, and he vanished with the plane.

      • Netherlands: Soesterberg Nato Air Base 1979. The Soesterberg UFO event occurred in the Netherlands. Witnesses, including military and securitypersonnel, reportedly saw a UFO hovering at the Soesterberg Air Base. Radar operators detected an unknown object, prompting fighter jets to intercept. Witnesses described a lighted, triangular/diamond craft displaying unconventional flight maneuvers. The Dutch Ministry of Defense confirmed radar contact. Witnesses confirmed the secret storage of nuclear weapons at the Dutch Nato Base during the 70's.

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      DOE - Department of Energy - Research of of NHI Objects & Clean Energy - Recovered UAP Material - unknown reversed engineer uap ufo - non-human-intelligence OAK Ridge Batelle Memorial Institatute Laboratory

      Hidden from prying eyes Battelle Memorial Institute manages the laboratories of the Department of Energy (DOE) and primarily specializes in conducting research and development across multiple fields, including nuclear technology, alternative materials, and emerging power sources.
      Battelle played a significant role in the commercialization of fiber optic cables. Battelle Memorial Institute was responsible for the development of Titanium Aluminide and made significant contributions to the materials used as coatings for multiple spy and fighter planes including the world fastest plane SR-71 Blackbird.

      In addition Battelle secretly operates as an incubator for advances in Non-Human-Intelligence (NHI) reverse engineering, providing support and resources, along with access to retrieved NHI materials and compartmentalized UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) technology. Furthermore, it grants licenses for intellectual property to advanced military + aerospace corporations like Lockheed Martin Skunk Works.

      The UAP retrieval material is subject to a meticulous and controlled analysis. The knowledge and insights derived from these unconventional sources are disseminated only among select individuals or groups, with each faction focusing on a specific aspect of the reverse engineering process.

      Like separate pipes in a complex plumbing system, the flow of information within this stovepiped operation remains partitioned, allowing for targeted exploration and investigation of various technological facets. Each channel represents a specialized domain, ensuring that the secrets embedded within the retrieved materials are methodically dissected and comprehended.

      As this clandestine endeavor continues, the insights gained from the reverse engineering efforts unravel the mysteries concealed within the UAP retrieval material. Though the broader world remains largely unaware of these covert activities, the stovepiped approach allows for focused and comprehensive examination, driving the advancement of understanding and potentially unlocking revolutionary technologies. Battelle incubator for advances in Non-Human-Intelligence (NHI) reverse engineering - unknown reversed engineer uap ufo - non-human-intelligence
      In 2010, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) started developing an advanced and classified satellite system. In 2021 this system detected a small object with a "tic-tac" shape, measuring less than 10 meters. The object's appearance did not match the typical visual signature of aircraft detections. Alongside the "tic-tac" unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), there was also another object responsible for command and control located 25 kilometers to the West.

      Sentient (NRO) developed an advanced and classified satellite system The system utilized for observing this object is referred to as "Sentient." Within the NRO, the "Sentient" program serves as an all-encompassing analysis tool.

      It has the capacity to engage in three-dimensional processing of dynamic targets, encompassing drones, planes, ships, UAPS, Larger moving USO Objects, missiles, and WMDs. Sentient can process historical satellite data, the collective images from (NRO), the military, and various commercial satellite companies, along with additional geospatial intelligence marked with both time and location data, generate an extensive volume of information surpassing the capacity of a substantial workforce to thoroughly analyze.

      To effectively manage this overwhelming influx of data, the NRO leverages artificial intelligence (AI). The objective of the Sentient AI system is to assist analysts in identifying meaningful patterns within the substantial dataset, facilitating the process often referred to as 'connecting the dots.

      Based on this data, Sentient can make predictions about the future paths of targets of interest. This allows it to anticipate the necessary adjustments and align satellites accordingly.

      "Tip and cue": This involves utilizing information from one data source to prompt a satellite to focus its attention on a specific location, or leveraging data obtained from a satellite to activate the data collection capabilities of another instrument.
      Sentient possesses the capability to command and directly point satellites to its own predicted coordinates to capture images of specific objects its secret algoritme definies as UAP: including Fast Walkers and Slow walkers. This ability essentially qualifies it as an artificial brain.

      Only in a strictly confidential classified environment, the Sentient system can be utilized in partnership with scientists, to enhance the identification and scientific examination of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and larger USO objects that possess noteworthy significance. Sentient (NRO) developed an advanced and classified satellite system Sentient (NRO) developed an advanced and classified satellite system
      The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) emerged as a formidable intelligence agency during the crucible of World War II. Established in 1942, it acted as a vital progenitor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that would come to fruition in later years. Its indomitable mission encompassed the vital trifecta of intelligence gathering, covert operations, and the orchestration of espionage endeavors within the enemy's domain.

      The OSS, in its resolute quest for knowledge, endeavored to collate and scrutinize intelligence from diverse sources, extracting valuable insights to guide strategic decision-making. It was through this relentless pursuit of information that the OSS earned its reputation as an indomitable bastion of intelligence.

      Furthermore, the OSS undertook classified missions aimed at retrieving valuable military technology, materials, and artifacts from the Axis Powers.

      The CIA employs military contractor agencies such as Lockheed Martin and private trusts like Battelle, and others through Special Operations Groups (SOG) and Special Activities Center (SAC) to conduct reverse engineering on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). These objects are most likely recovered after military encounters or crashes caused by disturbances to their natural electromagnetic fields.
      CIA Special Activities Center (SAC) - Retrieval of NHI Objects - Recovered UAP Material - unknown reversed engineer uap ufo - non-human-intelligence The Special Activities Center (SAC) is a division of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) responsible for conducting covert operations and specialized activities. It is a highly secretive branch of the CIA that focuses on carrying out clandestine operations to collect intelligence, gather information, and support U.S. national security objectives.

      The SAC is involved in a wide range of activities, including paramilitary operations, covert action, and psychological warfare. It employs highly trained personnel who specialize in various disciplines such as special operations, intelligence collection, and technical expertise. These individuals often work in close collaboration with other U.S. government agencies, foreign partners, and allied forces to achieve their mission objectives.

      The division is known for its ability to operate in high-risk and sensitive environments, often working undercover to achieve its objectives.

      Due to the classified nature of its operations, detailed information about the SAC's activities and specific missions is not publicly disclosed.

      Yet, as time unfolds its clandestine petals, it shall undoubtedly become apparent that CIA's Special Activities Center (SAC) assumes an invaluable role, not solely in the realm of human intelligence but also in the revelation of the arcane realms beyond, where non-human intelligences dwell in enigmatic secrecy.

      Disclosure Phase 2:

      The Inspector General just implied that UAP reverse-engineering programs are indeed genuine.
      He did not state that he has not observed any evidence of their existence.

      Rather, he mentioned that he has not conducted a thorough investigation to offer a comprehensive response regarding the allegations. 1/N

      This is the written "opening statement" that David Grusch submitted to the Oversight and Accountability Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on July 25, 2023. It is intended for a public hearing to be held in the National Security Subcommittee on July 26. Opening statement Opening statement In an intriguing turn of events, Grusch emerges as a significant figure, boasting an impressive 14-year background in the US intelligence services. Notably, he served as a combat officer in Afghanistan and held notable positions within esteemed organizations like the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency. Further adding to his credentials, Grusch was an integral part of the UAP Task Force between 2019 and 2021.

      What sets Grusch apart is his involvement in the preparation of the US President's daily brief, a responsibility he handled with utmost dedication. Remarkably, he even personally delivered these briefings on occasion, underscoring his privileged access to sensitive information. It's worth mentioning that his security clearances ranked among the highest within the American establishment, an indication of the trust bestowed upon him.

      However, Grusch's journey takes a fascinating turn as he assumes the role of a classic whistleblower. Operating strictly within the boundaries of established protocols, he took the step of providing crucial details that he was unable to disclose to the public, testifying before the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IGIC). Recognizing the potential consequences of his actions, Grusch wisely sought legal representation to shield himself from potential retaliation originating from within the defense establishment.

      The “sense of Congress” is that any illegally hidden craft of “non-earth” or “exotic” origin must be brought out of the shadows for broader scientific and industrial analysis. In particular, the goal of the legislation is to “avoid technology stovepipes” — a reference to the non-sharing of information due to excessive secrecy and compartmentalization — and to integrate any recovered “exotic technology” into the nation’s broader “industrial base.”.

      Green Tech disclosure:

      One of the most egregious aspects of suppressing the technology is the missed opportunity to produce clean energy for many decades, while knowingly contaminating our planet with fossil energy.

      The withholding of climate change technology is an unforgivable act. Its immense potential to benefit the ecosystem cannot be overstated. The Department of Energy, complicit in this secrecy, owes the world a thorough explanation, as their actions constitute a grave offense against humanity and the Earth. Regrettably, we employ this technology for warfare rather than promoting peace and and harmony with nature.

      UAP Disclosure Act of 2023

      No funds allocated through this Act for the fiscal year 2024 shall be used, either directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for any activities related to unidentified anomalous phenomena that are subject to special access or restricted access restrictions, unless they have been formally, officially, explicitly, and specifically described, explained, and justified to the appropriate committees of Congress.
      Non-Human-Intelligence (NHI) reverse engineering - CR Legacy program-intelligence
      Contractors must notify AARO within 60 days regarding any Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) materials they possess and provide a comprehensive list of all UAP materials that are of non-earth origin or considered exotic.

      Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall appoint 1 citizen of the United States, without regard to political affiliation, to the position of Executive Director of the Review Board. -

      source: https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf

      NASIC - Project Zodiac - National Air and Space Intelligence Center - unknown reversed engineer uap ufo - non-human-intelligence NASIC - Project Zodiac - National Air and Space Intelligence Center - unknown reversed engineer uap ufo - non-human-intelligence NASIC - Intelligence Production Complex III - National Air and Space Intelligence Center - reverse engineer intelligence- ufo-uap technology_project-sr5 gravity National Air and Space Intelligence Center - zodiac reverse engineer intelligence- ufo-uap technology_project-sr5 gravity X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - darpa - zodiac lockheed skunkworks reverse engineer ufo-uap technology_project-sr5 prototype - class waverider gravity X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - darpa - zodiac lockheed skunkworks reverse engineer ufo-uap technology_project-sr5 prototype - class waverider gravity X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - darpa - zodiac lockheed skunkworks reverse engineer ufo-uap technology_project-sr5 prototype - class waverider gravity X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - darpa - zodiac lockheed skunkworks reverse engineer ufo-uap technology_project-sr5 prototype - class waverider gravity The initial assembly of the first F-117 (with the USAF serial number 79-10780) took place in 1980 at the Lockheed Skunk Works facility (Burbank, California). X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - darpa - zodiac lockheed skunkworks reverse engineer ufo-uap technology_project-sr5 prototype - class waverider gravity

      Defence Research and Development Canada in Possession of Recovered UAP Material - unknown reversed engineer uap ufo - non-human-intelligence - Waverider - gimbal - project zodiac UAP Reverse Joint-Venture-Skunkworks.adp-Osprey-001 Prototype class x

      The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (formerly known as the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force), and the Department of the Navy Office Supervisor collectively form the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.

      In the grand tapestry of national defense, the eminent figure of the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security assumes a position of great responsibility. This venerable post presides over a multitude of entities dedicated to the pursuit of intelligence and the safeguarding of security.

      Among these noble institutions, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) holds a paramount role. Its focus lies in the realm of geospatial intelligence, unraveling the intricate secrets of our planet's physical and cultural tapestry. Through its meticulous efforts, critical information is gleaned, shedding light upon the Earth's most guarded enigmas.

      In concert with the NGA, we find the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), a formidable force specializing in the art of reconnaissance satellite operations. From their vantage point high above the heavens, they engage in the noble pursuit of intelligence collection, harnessing the power of space-based platforms to extract valuable insights.

      NASIC - Intelligence Production Complex III - National Air and Space Intelligence Center - unknown uap/ufo Yet, the unfolding narrative of intelligence and security extends further. The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, hitherto known as the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, emerges as a crucial player in the mosaic. This enigmatic entity assumes the noble task of investigating and resolving anomalies and unidentified aerial phenomena across diverse domains. Through their unwavering dedication, they strive to comprehend and address these enigmatic occurrences, ensuring the sanctity and safety of our national airspace.

      In this symphony of intelligence and security, the Department of the Navy Office Supervisor adds its unique hues. Ever watchful, it oversees the intricate tapestry of intelligence and security matters within the Navy. Their steadfast commitment supports the overarching mission of defense intelligence, fostering effective coordination and harmonious collaboration across the vast landscape of the Department of Defense.

      Collectively, these entities intertwine to weave a comprehensive framework, artfully crafted under the guidance of the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. Together, they form a bulwark defending our nation's interests, harnessing advanced technologies and analytical capabilities. In this ever-shifting landscape of intelligence and security, their united efforts fortify the bastions of defense, ensuring the protection of our cherished national interests.

      X Corp. Allied Spacecraft Corporation - Waverider - Tic Tac UAP Reverse Joint-Venture-Skunkworks.adp-Osprey-001 Prototype class x Alaska UFO TIC TAC UAP SHOOT DOWN
      UAP Historic Locations:
      • 1897 aurora Texas. The Aurora, Texas UFO event is a famous historical incident that supposedly happened on April 17, 1897, in Aurora, Texas, USA. Reports say a strange flying object, called an "airship," crashed into a windmill on Judge J.S. Proctor's land. The crash caused an explosion that spread debris far and wide. Lockheed Martin Skunkworks notably named the successor of the SR-71 Blackbird after this event.

      • 1933 Mussolini UAP
      • 1941 Cape Girardeau
      • 1936 black forest Germany
      • 1947 United States: Rosswell, New Mexico
      • 1947 Corona NM

      • Lake Superior. U.S/CA border. November 23, 1953. during a stormy night, a U.S. Air Force jet vanished over Lake Superior. Near the U.S.-Canadian border, an unidentified object appeared on radar in restricted airspace over Lake Superior, near Soo Locks. An F-89C Scorpion jet from Truax Air Force Base took off from Kinross AFB to investigate, with First Lieutenant Felix Moncla piloting and Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson observing radar. The jet chased the object for 30 minutes at 500 mph, narrowing the gap. Guided by ground control, the jet approached the unknown object. About 70 miles off Keweenaw Point, the two radar blips merged, then the F-89's radar vanished. The search by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Coast Guard, and Canadian Air Force yielded no wreckage or pilot trace.

      • 1955 mexico us border
      • clovis, new mexico, usa, july or august, 1957 or 1958
      • salisbury, australia, 1958-1959...
      • wichita falls, texas, september 1960
      • las vegas, usa, april 1962..
      • new mexico, usa, 1962...
      • timmendorfer, germany 1962...
      • santa rosa, new mexico, usa, spring or winter 1963
      • charlton, england, july 1963 ...
      • penkridge, england, february or march 1964.
      • walthamstow, england, april 1964
      • 1965 kecksburg PA
      • cambridgeshire, england, january 1965
      • republic of the congo, october 1965
      • kecksburg, pennsylvania, usa, december 1965..
      • llandegla, wales, december 1965.

      • Cuba, 1966. Cuba ‘67
        What was certainly one of the strangest episodes in the world of UFOs and national security surfaced in 1978, but had its origins in the airspace of Cuba more than a decade previously. According to a “security specialist” who was assigned to the 6947th Security Squadron at Homestead Air Force Base—a unit of the U.S. Air Force Security Service (AFSS)—in March, 1967, the Spanish-speaking intercept operators of Detachment A at Homestead heard Cuban air defense radar controllers report an unidentified “bogey” approaching Cuba from the northeast.

        The UFO apparently entered Cuban airspace at a height of about 10,000 meters and “sped off’ at nearly 660 mph. Two Russian-built MIG-21 jet fighters were scrambled, and were guided to within three miles of the UFO by Cuban ground-based radar personnel. The flight-leader then radioed that the object appeared to be a “bright metallic sphere with no visible markings or appendages.”

        When an attempt at radio contact failed, Cuban air defense headquarters ordered the flight leader to arm his weapons and destroy the object. The leader reported his radar was locked onto the “bogey” and his missiles were duly armed. Only moments later, however, the wingman “screamed” to the ground controller that his leader’s jet “had exploded.” The wingman added that there was no smoke or flame and that his leader’s MIG-21 had simply disintegrated. Cuban radar then reported that the UFO had quickly accelerated, had climbed above 30,000 meters, and was last tracked heading southsoutheast towards South America. An Intelligence Spot Report was reportedly sent to the headquarters of the National Security Agency, since AFSS and its units were under NSA operational control.

      • Shag Harbor Ufo/USO
      • shag harbor, canada, october 1967... The Shag Harbour UFO incident occurred on October 4, 1967, in Nova Scotia, Canada. Eyewitnesses observed strange bright orange lights in the sky, followed by a possible crash of an unidentified flying object into Shag Harbour's waters. Bright lights descended and reportedly crashed into the harbor, creating a flash and whistling sound.

        A mysterious object initially submerged in Shag Harbor, quickly moved underwater for about 25 miles to Government Point, near a submarine detection base. It was detected on sonar, leading to the positioning of Naval vessels over it. A second UFO later joined the first, leading to speculation that it came to assist the first craft.

        The Navy chose to observe rather than act, monitoring the two UFOs for about a week. However, their attention shifted to a Russian submarine in Canadian waters, allowing the underwater craft to escape. They surfaced and swiftly ascended into the sky, leaving the pursuing Navy boats behind.

        Numerous witnesses, both civilian and military, corroborated these remarkable events, although reports remained unofficial. Ex-military personnel were concerned about losing their pensions, while civilian witnesses feared ridicule and privacy invasion. The Shag Harbor incidents remain a significant part of UFO research, leaving little doubt that something unidentified crashed into the waters on October 4, 1967. This incident is a renowned Canadian UFO sighting, drawing attention from researchers.

      • indiantown gap, pennsylvania, winter, 1969
      • st. geniez, france, march 1972
      • hawaii, usa, june 1973.
      • berwyn mountains, north wales, january 1974
      • chihuahua, mexico, august 1974

      • Kalmthout Heath, Belgium on 1 July 1976. The sighting involved the classic triangle formation, consisting of three white lights with a red light slightly off-center. This particular triangle ufo configuration reappeared 3 years later above Soesterberg and was famously spotted during the 1989 Belgian UFO wave.

      • Tehran, Iran, September 18, 1976. The military and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency treated the incident seriously, it was also detected as a "fast walker" by the National Reconnaissance Office's spy DSP satellites network, decades before the now Public Known Sentient system. Military personnel and radar operators observed and tracked unidentified flying objects over the city. The Imperial Air Force investigated reports of strange lights in the sky. A fighter jet was sent to check it out, but the pilot's instruments malfunctioned, preventing engagement. Radar stations also detected unusual blips corresponding to the sightings. The Tehran UFO incident remains notable for its credible witnesses and military involvement.

      • south australia-western australia border, 1977..
      • hampshire, england, 1977...
      • peru, 1977..
      • sierra madre, mexico, august 1977.

      • Bass Strait in southeastern Australia, October 21, 1978, Mid-flight, Valentich told Melbourne air traffic about a UFO tailing him, describing its metallic look, speed, and green light. His final message, mentioning engine issues and the phrase "It's not an aircraft," is eerie. Communication ceased, and he vanished with the plane.

      • mcguire air force base, new jersey, usa, january 1978
      • taire mountain, bolivia, may 1978
      • oregon, usa, june 1979

      • Netherlands: Soesterberg Nato Air Base 1979. The Soesterberg UFO event occurred in the Netherlands. Witnesses, including military and securitypersonnel, reportedly saw a UFO hovering at the Soesterberg Air Base. Radar operators detected an unknown object, prompting fighter jets to intercept. Witnesses described a lighted, triangular/diamond craft displaying unconventional flight maneuvers. The Dutch Ministry of Defense confirmed radar contact.

      • santa cruz, bolivia, august 1979...
      • modesto, california, september 1979
      • rendlesham forest, suffolk, england, december 1980
      • el yunque rain forest, puerto rico, 1984
      • 1986 Hill 611 Russia crash
      • victor harbor, australia, may 1986..
      • western kentucky, march 1987..
      • 1987 Illkley Moor UFO
      • dalnegorsk, former soviet union, 1988..
      • 1989 Saudi Arabia: The Rub' al Khal Desert

      • 1989 Belgian Triangle UFO. One of the most well-known incidents during this wave was the Belgian Triangle UFO sightings. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, triangular-shaped craft with bright lights at its corners flying silently and slowly across the sky. These sightings were often described as resembling a "black triangle" or "flying triangle." The Belgian military even scrambled jets to intercept these objects on some occasions.

      • cheadle, staffordshire, england, july 1991
      • southaven park, long island, usa, november 1992
      • boscombe down, england, september 1994..
      • hepton hill, cotswolds, england, october 1994

      • Varginha incident, Brazil 1996
        an NHI craft met with a calamitous crash, leaving a trail of questions in its wake. Law enforcement, upon their arrival, managed to recover two NHI bodies from the wreckage. However, what began as a routine investigation took a tragic turn when a dedicated police officer, who had inadvertently come into contact with one of the nhi bodies, fell victim to a fatal incurable anti-biotics proof infection. Brazil Goverment Classification: top secret NDA (extended to 2046)

      • eastern somaliland, january 1996
      • isle of lewis, scotland, october 1996..

      In the shadowy depths of classified operations, rumors swirl of a covert program dedicated to retrieving enigmatic craft from the ocean's abyss, some said to be of non-human or otherworldly origin. This secret initiative unites the most elite assets and expertise from various agencies and departments, all converging on a singular mission.

      Among the clandestine participants is the Maritime Branch of the CIA's Directorate of Operations, the formidable U.S. Navy, and the elusive National Underwater Reconnaissance Office—a joint venture between the Navy and CIA that remains shrouded in secrecy. The United States Special Operations Command plays its part, executing missions with unparalleled precision and stealth. To pierce the ocean's depths, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution lends its cutting-edge deep submergence vehicles, enabling exploration of the darkest, most unreachable corners of the sea.

      Once these mysterious crafts are wrested from their watery graves, they are swiftly transferred to the Office of Naval Research, where the veil of secrecy grows even thicker. From there, they vanish into the hands of defense contractors, who dissect and study the advanced technologies, the true nature of which may never be known to the world beyond.

      secret Massive Underwater UFO Base, Coast California - uso/UAP/UFO Logistics A significant discovery has been made along the coast of Malibu, California, specifically at Point Dume—a submerged, oval-shaped underwater entrance. This remarkable entrance showcases a plateau-like structure with precise measurements: it spans 1.35 miles in size and stretches 2.45 miles in length. Positioned at a distance of 6.66 miles from the shoreline, this entrance is a fascinating find.

      The entrance is defined by its supportive pillars, between which lies a carefully nestled opening. This aperture boasts specific dimensions, measuring 2745 feet in size and 630 feet in height. The most impressive feature, however, is the entrance's ceiling, which has been engineered to withstand even nuclear detonations. This remarkable ceiling is an astonishing 500 feet in thickness.

      Notably, this entrance is designed to accommodate submarines of substantial size, particularly those with nuclear capabilities. This unique feature provides these submarines access to a range of strategically important military installations within the United States.

      Two such installations are the China Lake Naval Base, positioned within the heart of the Mojave Desert, and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center situated between Las Vegas and Reno in Hawthorne, Nevada. The discovery of this entrance opens up new possibilities for naval operations and reinforces the significance of these military installations.

      Underwater entrance coordinates: "34° 1’23.31″N 118° 59’45.64″W"
      What if the moon serves as a natural catapult or a flight carrier plane catcher for alien ships traveling at high entrance speed and need to slow down faster - destiny: earth's moon. This could explain why there are significantly more craters on the far side of the moon. The idea is that these alien ships, upon nearing our solar system, use the moon's gravitational field and surface to decelerate, leading to frequent impacts and the formation of even more craters than comets/asteroids. The far side of the moon, often hidden from our view, appears heavily cratered and pockmarked, resembling the surface of a block of cheese, potentially due to these repeated high-speed collisions.

      The Chinese, who are exploring the far side of the moon, are very interested in analyzing those craters and bringing back monsters.
       non-human-intellgience reverse-engineered a mineral extraction device capable of extracting minerals from rock formations using a focused beam of light or laser -
      Envision a scenario where we have achieved a magnificent feat: the reverse-engineering of a remarkable contrivance designed to extract precious minerals from solid rock formations. This prodigious invention, employing naught but a beam of radiant light or a laser, possesses the astonishing ability to liberate valuable elements from their rocky confines.

      The ramifications of such a groundbreaking device would be momentous, for it heralds a new era in the field of mineral extraction. Gone are the laborious processes that have consumed countless hours and demanded tremendous physical toil. No longer shall human hands bear the strain of chiseling, drilling, and blasting through unforgiving stone. In its place, this wondrous mechanism, harnessing the power of light, offers an elegant solution to mankind's perennial quest for the Earth's hidden treasures.

      Imagine, if you will, the intricate dance between photons and mineral-laden rocks. As the laser beam, endowed with a precision hitherto unimaginable, cascades upon the rugged surfaces, it interacts with the atomic bonds holding the minerals captive. The photons, charged with boundless energy, impart their force upon the atoms, causing them to vibrate and, in due course, shatter the geological shackles that have long confined the precious resources. With resolute precision, the laser-guided light combs through the rocky terrain, singling out targeted deposits and effortlessly dismantling their formidable defenses. Veins of gold, seams of silver, reservoirs of rare earth elements—each one succumbs to the unforgiving power of the light's invisible fingers, surrendering its bounty for the betterment of humankind.

      As this pioneering device operates in the landscape, it begets a transformation of epic proportions. Where once arduous excavation was the order of the day, now the extraction process unfolds with unmatched expediency. Mountains that once towered as insurmountable obstacles are reduced to mounds of rubble, ready to yield their coveted contents. The dull roar of heavy machinery and the persistent grumble of drilling equipment give way to the symphony of photons orchestrating an intricate ballet with mineral-laden substrates.

      Yet, amid the triumph and splendor of this remarkable achievement, there lies a cautionary tale. As with all great advancements, the ramifications extend far beyond the immediate benefits. The acquisition of such an extraordinary technology could evoke a seismic shift in the global order, altering the balance of power and influence. The nations of the world, once reliant on traditional means of mineral extraction, would gaze upon one's newfound prowess with awe and, perhaps, a tinge of trepidation.

      Thus, as the beams of light dance upon the rocks, it finds itself at the forefront of an epochal paradigm shift. With a deft mastery of a device capable of transforming ancient geological landscapes, it emerges as the vanguard of a future where the extraction of minerals is no longer a laborious endeavor but a mere flicker of light that ushers in a new era of resource acquisition.

      disclosure nhi (non-human-intelligence) by the u.s. president

      Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Earth,

      Today, I stand before you not just as a leader, but as a fellow inhabitant of this remarkable planet we call home. I come bearing news that will undoubtedly reshape our perspective and rewrite the pages of history. It is my solemn duty to share with you the existence of non-human, intelligent lifeforms that have surpassed our technological prowess and have been observing us for millennia.

      This revelation is neither a threat nor an opportunity for panic. Instead, it is an opportunity for unity, introspection, and progress. As a species, we are on the cusp of a transformational moment, one that calls for us to set aside our differences and forge a new path forward.

      The evidence before us is undeniable. Through years of diligent research and collaboration with experts across various fields, we have come to the irrefutable conclusion that we are not alone. Advanced civilizations, far beyond our current capabilities, have been observing us. They have watched as we have evolved, as our societies have flourished and faltered, and as our collective journey has unfolded.

      I understand that this news might stir a range of emotions – surprise, curiosity, perhaps even apprehension. It is only natural to react with a mix of wonder and concern when faced with the unknown. However, I assure you that our discoveries have not been taken lightly. Our teams of scientists, diplomats, and thinkers have been working tirelessly to gather information, analyze implications, and establish channels of communication.

      Let me emphasize that these intelligent lifeforms have not demonstrated hostile intent. Instead, they seem to be observers, curious about our progress and evolution. Their motivations, their culture, their intentions remain subjects of ongoing study. We stand on the threshold of a unique opportunity to engage in interstellar dialogue, to learn from these civilizations, and to showcase the best of our own human potential.

      Transparency and global cooperation will be the bedrock of our response. In the coming weeks, I will convene an international symposium, inviting leaders from across the world to share their insights, concerns, and ideas. We will collectively chart a path forward that respects our individuality while embracing our shared destiny as citizens of a vast universe.

      I urge you all to remember that as we venture into this uncharted territory, we are bound by the same principles that have guided us through history: empathy, collaboration, and a ceaseless pursuit of knowledge. This is not a time for fear, but for a renewed commitment to the betterment of humanity and the broader universe.

      Let us embark on this journey together, hand in hand, and forge a future that will make history proud. Our shared potential is boundless, and it's time to shine a light on what it truly means to be Human.

      Thank you, and may our journey into the cosmos be marked by unity, understanding, and progress.

      With hope for the future,


      President of the United States

      disclosure nhi (non-human-intelligence) by the u.s. president

      The subconscious human brain, in essence, can be conceived as nothing more than a mere receiver in the universe.
      Use the basal ganglia 🧠 to unlock the true functions of the caudate putamen regions and sync with the correct frequency, to amplify and receive high-fidelity quality data from universal source core of information sent from unified external transmitters.

      Revealing the nature of the enigmatic phenomenon that lies before us, we may undergo a profound metamorphosis in our comprehension of our earthly existence, our very perception of reality, and the ethereal dimensions of space and time.

      In the grand tapestry of existence, the wonders of energy extend beyond mere physical manifestations. Just as the cosmos pulsates with unseen forces, so too do the ethereal realms of memory and knowledge intertwine with the vast wireless expanse of the universe.

      Behold the marvel of our minds, for they are not mere vessels of thought but receivers of cosmic wisdom. Like antennas attuned to the frequencies of the cosmos, our DNA acts as a conduit for wireless updates from the universal ether. It is through this mystical connection that our very being is infused with the ever-flowing stream of information, a dance of data that transcends the confines of our physical brains.

      Imagine, if you will, the intricate symphony of interconnected minds, linked through the invisible threads of the universal wireless world. Across the expanse of space and time, the collective tapestry of human consciousness is woven together, merging individual experiences into a vast repository of shared wisdom.

      As the pulsating waves of knowledge permeate the cosmic fabric, our very essence becomes imbued with the accumulated memories of countless generations. The intricacies of the past intertwine with the possibilities of the future, entangled in the cosmic dance of existence.

      So, let us embrace the boundless potential that lies within this universal wireless network. Let us open our minds to the eternal flow of information, recognizing that our thoughts and experiences are not confined to the physical confines of our brains but are part of a greater cosmic symphony.

      In this grand cosmic dance, we are not mere isolated entities but threads woven into the intricate tapestry of the universe, connected by the invisible strands of knowledge and memory. Through this ethereal connection, we are part of something greater, something beyond our individual selves. And as we embrace this interconnectivity, we embark on a journey of understanding and discovery that transcends the limitations of our earthly existence. X
      Mount-Hayes- Mount Denali-dark pyramid-base - Project Stargate UAP - The subconscious human brain, in essence, can be conceived as nothing more than a mere receiver in the universe.
Sync the basal ganglia 🧠 to amplify and receive better quality data from universal source core of information sent from unified external transmitters. Xcorp Company Logo